Package ca.uqac.lif.cep.fol
Processors for creating a first-order interpretation from a trace
of predicates.
- Author:
- Sylvain Hallé
Class Summary Class Description Exists Function that acts as a first-order existential quantifier.ExistsInterpretation FirstOrderQuantifier ForAll Function that acts as a first-order universal quantifier.ForAllInterpretation GetDomain Function taking an interpretation as its input, and returning the set of values associated with some domain as its output.Interpretation A context in which predicates can be evaluated.InterpretationBuilder LazyBooleanFunction LazyBooleanFunction.And LazyBooleanFunction.DummyInterpretationFunction LazyBooleanFunction.Implies LazyBooleanFunction.Or Main Dummy main filePredicate Predicate.PredicateArgument Predicate.Wildcard Special constant that can be used when evaluating a predicate to indicate a "don't care" valuePredicateAssertion An assertion on the value of a predicate, to be evaluated on anInterpretation
.PredicateGet Extracts the value at a specific position in the predicate tuple.PredicateGetNumber Extracts the value at a specific position in the predicate tuple, and converts it into a numberPredicateTuple An assertion defining the truth value of a predicate for a concrete list of arguments.PredicateTupleConversion Unary function converting an object into a predicate tuplePredicateTupleReader Processor receiving objects as input and outputting predicate tuples as its outputQuantifierInterpretation