▼Nca | |
▼Nuqac | |
▼Nlif | |
▼Ncep | Elementary classes defining all the basic concepts of event stream processing |
►Nfunctions | Definition of the Function object and basic concepts around functions |
►CApplyFunction | Applies a function to input events to produce output events |
CShiftTracker | Simple tracker proxy that records associations from the underlying function, and shifts its input/output by the current position in the input/output stream |
CApplyFunctionArgument | A function of two arguments, the first of which is a 1:1 function; it applies this function to the second argument and returns the result |
►CApplyFunctionLambda | |
CBinaryLambdaEvaluable | |
CLambdaEvaluable | |
CUnaryLambdaEvaluable | |
►CApplyFunctionPartial | Evaluates a function on each event front in a lazy manner |
CInputPushable | |
COutputPullable | |
CBinaryFunction | Function of two inputs and one output |
CConstant | Representation of a unary constant |
CContextAssignment | An object that assigns a value to a specific key in a Context object |
CContextVariable | Placeholder for the value of a context element |
►CCumulate | Creates a cumulative processor out of a cumulative function |
CStartValue | Node function representing the start value defined for a particular function |
CCumulativeFunction | A function with memory |
CDuplicableFunction | Interface implemented by functions that can be duplicated |
CFunction | Represents a stateless m-to-n function |
CFunctionException | Generic class for any exception thrown during the evaluation of a function |
►CFunctionLambda | A function defined based on a lambda expression |
CBinaryLambdaEvaluable | |
CUnaryLambdaEvaluable | |
CFunctionTree | A Function object representing the composition of multiple functions together to form a "compound" function |
CIdentityFunction | Function that returns its input for its output |
CIfThenElse | Function that acts as an if-then-else |
CInvalidArgumentException | Exception thrown when a function is given an argument that is invalid |
CNothingToReturnException | Exception thrown when a function cannot produce a return value |
CPassthroughFunction | Delegates all calls of the Function class to an internal object instantiated by a method |
CRaiseArity | A Function that raises the arity of another function |
CStreamVariable | Symbol standing for the i-th trace given as input |
CTurnInto | Processor that turns any event into a predefined object |
CUnaryFunction | Function of one input and one output |
CVariable | A function that acts as a placeholder for a value to be computed at a later time |
►Nio | Processors to handle input and output of data from external sources, such as files and pipes |
CCall | Processor calling an external command upon receiving an event, and returning the output of that command as its output stream |
►CCommandRunner | Utility class to run commands on the command line and fetch their output |
CStreamGobbler | Constantly reads an input stream and captures its content |
CHttpGet | Reads chunks of data from an URL, using an HTTP request |
CPrint | Sends its input to a PrintStream (such as the standard output) |
CReadInputStream | Read contents from a Java InputStream |
CReadLines | Source that reads text lines from a Java InputStream |
CReadStringStream | Extracts character strings from a Java InputStream |
CWriteOutputStream | Processor that writes events to a Java OutputStream |
CWriteToFile | Writes input events to one or more files |
►Ntmf | Processors to manipulate traces of generic events |
►CAbstractSlice | Separates an input trace into different "slices" |
CToAllSlices | Dummy object telling the slicer that an event must be sent to all slices |
CAbstractWindow | Simulates the application of a "sliding window" to a trace |
CBlackHole | A special type of Sink that discards everything it receives |
CCallbackSink | A sink that calls a method when a new front of events is pushed to it |
CCountDecimate | Returns one input event and discards the next n-1 |
CDecimate | By default, a Decimate acts like a Passthrough for which only certain inputs are allowed to be output |
►CDivert | Diverts an input stream to one of many downstream processor chains |
CDivertPullable | Implementation of the Pullable interface for the Divert processor |
CDivertPushable | Implementation of the Pushable interface for the Divert processor |
CFilter | Discards events from an input trace based on a selection criterion |
CFilterOn | Discards events from an input trace based on a selection criterion |
CFork | Duplicates an input trace into two or more output traces |
CFreeze | Repeatedly outputs the first event it has received |
CInsert | Inserts an event a certain number of times before letting the input events through |
CKeepLast | Outputs only the last event received |
►CMultiplex | Merges the contents of multiple traces into a single trace |
CMuxPullable | |
CMuxPushable | |
CPad | |
CPassthrough | Returns its input as its output |
CPrefix | Returns the first n input events and discards the following ones |
CPump | Processor that repeatedly pulls its input, and pushes the resulting events to its output |
CQueueSink | Sink that accumulates events into queues |
►CQueueSource | Source whose input is a queue of objects |
CQueueFunction | Provenance function that links an output event to an element of the processor's queue |
CQueueSourceBatch | Operates like QueueSource, except that it dumps all its queue at once, instead of releasing the events one by one |
CResetLast | Processor that receives two input streams; it pushes the events of a first stream into a processor, and resets this processor whenever the event on the second input stream is true |
CSimpleFilter | A simple filter that lets input events out by evaluating a condition on them; if the condition evaluates to true, the event is output, otherwise it is discarded |
CSink | Receives input events and stores them |
CSinkLast | Sink that remembers only the last event sent to it |
CSlice | Concrete version of AbstractSlice whose output is an associative map between slice IDs and the last event produced by that slice processor |
CSliceLast | Concrete version of AbstractSlice whose output is a stream of lists, where each list contains all the events produced by inner slices from a given input even |
CSource | Produces output events from no input |
CSplice | Joins multiple sources as a single one |
CStutter | Repeats each input event a specified number of times |
►CTank | Accumulates pushed events into a queue until they are pulled |
CQueuePullable | |
CQueuePushable | |
CTankLast | Tank that, when pulled, creates an output event based on the last event received |
CTimeDecimate | After returning an input event, discards all others for the next n seconds |
CTrim | Discards the first n events of the input, and outputs the remaining ones |
CVariableStutter | Processor that repeats input events a number of times based on a control signal |
CWindow | Simulates the application of a "sliding window" to a trace |
CWindowFunction | Takes a sliding window of n successive input events, passes them to an n-ary function and outputs the result |
►Nutil | Utility processors and functions to manipulate strings, arrays, and a few other data structures |
►CBags | A container object for functions and processors applying to generic collections, i.e |
CAnyElement | Returns any element of a collection |
CApplyToAll | Given a set/list/array, returns a new set/list/array whose content is the result of applying a function to each element |
CContains | Checks if an object is a member of a collection |
CExplode | A 1:m function provided by the Bags utility class |
CFilterElements | Gets all the elements of the collection that satisfy some condition |
CGetSize | Gets the size of a collection |
CIsElement | Checks if an element is a member of a collection |
CMaximumValue | Returns the element with the maximum value in a collection |
CMinimumValue | Returns the element with the maximum value in a collection |
CProduct | Computes the Cartesian product of two collections |
CRunOn | Runs each element of a collection into a processor, and collect its output |
CToArray | Converts a front of n events into an array of n objects |
CToCollection | Converts a front of n input events into a collection of n objects |
CToList | Converts a front of n events into a list of n objects |
CToSet | Converts a front of n events into a set of n objects |
►CBooleans | A container object for Boolean functions |
CAnd | Implementation of the logical conjunction |
CBagAnd | Implementation of the logical conjunction over a collection |
CBagOr | Implementation of the logical disjunction over a collection |
CImplies | Implementation of the logical implication |
CNot | Implementation of the logical negation |
COr | Implementation of the logical disjunction |
CEquals | A function that checks for the equality of various data types |
CFindPattern | Extracts chunks of an input stream based on a regular expression |
CInstanceOf | Checks if an object is an instance of a given class |
►CLists | A container object for functions and processors applying to lists |
CAbstractPack | Common ancestor to TimePack and Pack |
CListUpdateProcessor | Processor that updates a list |
CMathList | A list that implements equality |
CPack | Accumulates events from a first input pipe, and sends them in a burst into a list based on the Boolean value received on its second input pipe |
CPutInto | Updates a list |
CPutIntoNew | Updates a list |
►CTimePack | Accumulates events that are being pushed, and sends them in a burst into a list at predefined time intervals |
CTimer | Timer that pushes the contents of m_packedEvents every m_outputInterval milliseconds |
CUnpack | Unpacks a collection of objects by outputting its contents as separate events |
►CMaps | A container object for map functions and processors |
CApplyAll | Creates a new map by applying a function to all the values of a map given as input |
CGet | Gets a value in the map, based on the name of a key |
CMapPutInto | Updates a map by putting key-value pairs into it |
CMathMap | A map that implements equality based on its contents |
CMergeMaps | Updates a map by merging its contents with a stream of incoming maps |
CMultiValues | Gets the multi-set of values in a map |
CPutInto | Updates a map by putting key-value pairs into it |
CValues | Gets the set of values in a map |
►CMultiset | A set where each element can be present more than once |
CGetCardinalities | Gets the cardinalities of each element in a multiset |
CInsert | Given a multiset and an element, returns a new multiset with this element added to it |
CPutInto | Puts incoming events into a multiset, and returns this set |
CNthElement | Function that returns the n-th element of an ordered collection (array or list) |
►CNumbers | A container object for functions applying to numbers |
CAbsoluteValue | Computes the absolute value of its argument |
CAddition | Computes the sum of its arguments |
CCeiling | Rounds a number up to the nearest integer |
CDivision | Computes the quotient of its arguments |
CFloor | Rounds a number down to the nearest integer |
CIsEven | Computes if a number is even |
CIsGreaterOrEqual | Checks if a number is greater than or equal to an other number |
CIsGreaterThan | Checks if a number is greater than other number |
CIsLessOrEqual | Checks if a number is less than or equal to an other number |
CIsLessThan | Checks if a number is less than an other number |
CMaximum | Returns the maximum of two numbers |
CMinimum | Returns the minimum of two numbers |
CMultiplication | Computes the product of its arguments |
CNumberCast | Converts an object into a number |
CPower | Computes the power of its arguments |
CSignum | Computes the signum of its argument |
CSquareRoot | Computes the square root of its argument |
CSubtraction | Computes the difference of its arguments |
CRandomize | A n:n processor that turns an arbitrary input event front into an output front made of randomly selected numerical values |
►CSets | A container object for set functions and processors |
CIsSubsetOrEqual | Checks if a set is a subset of another |
CIsSupersetOrEqual | Checks if a set is a superset of another |
CMathSet | |
CPutInto | Updates a set |
CPutIntoNew | Updates a set |
CSetUpdateProcessor | Processor that updates a set |
CSize | Evaluates the size of an object |
►CStrings | A container object for string functions |
CBuildString | Concatenates input strings into an output string |
CConcat | Concatenates two strings |
CContains | Function that checks if a string contains another |
CEndsWith | Function that checks if a string ends by another |
CFindRegex | Finds all substrings that match capturing group 1 of a regular expression |
CMatches | Checks if a string matches a regular expression |
CSplitString | Transforms a comma-separated line of text into an array |
CStartsWith | Checks if a string starts by another |
CToString | Transforms any object into a string using the "toString" method |
CAdder | A simple processor that adds two integers |
►CAsynchronousProcessor | Processor that handles its inputs asynchronously |
CInputPushable | |
COutputPullable | |
CCompoundFuture | A Future object whose termination and output value depends on the termination and output values of multiple other Future objects |
CContext | Associative map used by processors to store persistent data |
CContextualizable | Interface implemented by all BeepBeep objects that manipulate a Context |
CDoubler | A processor that doubles every number it is given |
CDuplicable | Interface indicating that an object can be duplicated |
CDuplicableProcessor | An override on the return type of Duplicable that enforces the return of a processor |
CEventNodeFunction | |
►CEventTracker | Tracks the relationship between output events produced by processors, and the input events that were used to compute them |
CNoOpEventTracker | Dummy event tracker that does nothing |
CFutureDone | A Future object indicating that the computation is completed |
►CGroupProcessor | Encapsulates a chain of processors as if it were a single one |
CCopyCrawler | Crawler that creates copies (clones) of whatever it encounters on its way and re-pipes processors as in the original group |
CProcessorAssociation | Tuple made of a number and a processor |
CProxyPullable | |
CProxyPushable | |
CMain | A dummy main file defining a few system-wide constants |
CPipeCrawler | An object that visits every processor in a chain, from a processor used as a starting point |
►CProcessor | Receives zero or more input events, and produces zero or more output events |
CInternalProcessorState | An object capturing the internal state of a processor, including the current contents of its input and output queues |
CProcessorException | Generic class for any exception thrown in the lifecycle of a processor |
►CPullable | Queries events on one of a processor's outputs |
CNextStatus | The "next" status of a Pullable object |
CPullableException | A runtime exception indicating that something went wrong when attempting to check if a next event exists |
CPullNotSupported | Pullable object that throws an UnsupportedOperationException upon every call to each of its methods (except getProcessor()) |
►CPushable | Gives events to some of a processor's input |
CPushableException | A runtime exception indicating that something went wrong when attempting to check if a next event exists |
CPushNotSupported | Pushable object that throws an UnsupportedOperationException upon every call to each of its methods (except getProcessor()) |
CStateful | Interface implemented by processors that can publicly expose a token equivalent to their internal state |
►CSynchronousProcessor | Performs a computation on input events to produce output events |
CInputPushable | Implementation of a Pushable for a single processor |
COutputPullable | Implementation of a Pullable for a single processor |
CTypedPullable | A Pullable object that casts all its output to a given type |
►CUniformProcessor | Processor that produces exactly one output front for each input front received |
CUnaryPullable | A special type of Pushable for uniform processors with an input and output arity of exactly 1 |
CUnaryPushable | A special type of Pushable for uniform processors with an input and output arity of exactly 1 |
CUtilityMethods | A few methods repeatedly used throughout the code repository examples |