Code Examples
A repository of 155 code examples for BeepBeep
Package basic

Use basic processors such as sources, sinks, functions and filters to create simple processing chains. More...


class  Average
 Compute the cumulative average of a list of numbers. More...
class  AverageFork
 Compute the cumulative average of a list of numbers. More...
class  BinaryPush
 Push events into a processor of input arity 2. More...
class  ContextExample
 Use a processor's Context object. More...
class  CountDecimateLast
 Behaviour of the CountDecimate processor on the last event of a stream. More...
class  CountDecimateSimple
 Use the CountDecimate processor to discard events from a stream. More...
class  CumulativeSum
 Use a cumulative processor to compute the sum of all events received so far. More...
class  DecimationSum
 Compute the sum of every pair of successive events. More...
class  DuplicateContext
 Duplicating processors and observing what happens to their Context object. More...
class  DuplicateGroup
 Duplicating processors without preserving their state. More...
class  DuplicateNoState
 Duplicating processors without preserving their state. More...
class  DuplicateState
 Duplicating processors and preserving their state. More...
class  DuplicateStateQueues
 Duplicating processors without preserving their state. More...
class  FileReader
 Read an input stream from a text file line by line and show the output. More...
class  FilterConditionComposite
 Filter a trace by evaluating a compound condition on the events of that trace. More...
class  FilterConditionSimple
 Filter a trace by evaluating a simple condition on the events of that trace. More...
class  FilterSimple
 Discard events from an input trace with the Filter processor. More...
class  ForkMutable
 See the effect of sending a mutable object into a Fork processor. More...
class  ForkPull
 Use the Fork processor to replicate input events in multiple output streams. More...
class  ForkPush
 Use the Fork processor to replicate input events in multiple output streams. More...
class  GroupBinary
 Encapsulate a chain of processors into a Group, with an output arity of 2. More...
class  GroupSimple
 Encapsulate a chain of processors into a Group. More...
class  HelloWorld
 Basic example for testing the setup. More...
class  IncorrectPiping
 Pipe processors with non-matching event types. More...
class  KeepLastPull
 Use the KeepLast processor to keep the last event of an input stream. More...
class  KeepLastPush
 Push events to the KeepLast processor. More...
class  PartialEvaluation
class  PipingBinary
 Pipe processors together using the Connector object. More...
class  PipingBinaryWait
 Pipe processors together using the Connector object. More...
class  PipingUnary
 Pipe processors together using the Connector object. More...
class  PipingUnaryIncorrect
 Pipe processors together using the Connector object. More...
class  PipingUnaryMissing
 Instantiates two processors, but forgets to connect them. More...
class  PipingUnaryPush
 Pipe processors together using the Connector object. More...
class  PointDistance
 Calculate the Euclidean distance of each two successive points in an input trace of (x,y) coordinates. More...
class  ProcessorId
 Example showing how to access the unique ID of a processor. More...
class  ProcessorIdGroup
 Example showing how the IDs of processors behave when multiple instances are created. More...
class  PullHard
 Illustration of the difference between using pull() and pullSoft() on a Pullable object. More...
class  PullSoft
 Illustration of the difference between using pull() and pullSoft() on a Pullable object. More...
class  PullWithoutSource
 What happens when trying to pull events on a processor connected to no input. More...
class  PushWithoutSink
 What happens when trying to push events on a processor connected to no output. More...
class  QueueSinkUsage
 Push events into a QueueSink processor. More...
class  QueueSourceUsage
 Pull events from the QueueSource processor. More...
class  ResetWindow
 Usage of a processor's reset() method. More...
class  SimpleFunction
 Use the FunctionProcessor to apply a function to each input event. More...
class  SlicerCollapse
 Apply an aggregation function on the output of a slicer. More...
class  SlicerOddEven
 Use the SlicerMap to compute the sum of odd and even numbers separately. More...
class  SlicerSimple
 Use the SlicerMap to perform a computation on multiple subsets of an input stream. More...
class  SumTwo
 Use the Trim and Fork processors to compute the sum of two successive events. More...
class  TrimPull
 Use the Trim processor to discard events from the beginning of a stream. More...
class  TrimPush
 Use the Trim processor to discard events from the beginning of a stream. More...
class  WindowAverage
 Compute the cumulative average of a list of numbers over a sliding window. More...
class  WindowEven
 Use a Window processor to perform a computation over a sliding window of events that are not numeric. More...
class  WindowSimple
 Use a Window processor to perform a computation over a sliding window of events. More...
class  WithoutPump
 Print events from a queue source without the use of a pump. More...
class  WithPump
 Print events from a queue source with the use of a Pump processor. More...
class  WithTank

Detailed Description

Use basic processors such as sources, sinks, functions and filters to create simple processing chains.

In this section, we illustrate on various examples how to use the processors included in BeepBeep's core. This includes:

and the Connector object to pipe them all together.

Sylvain Hallé