Class RangeCep

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ca.uqac.lif.azrael.Printable, ca.uqac.lif.azrael.Readable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.Contextualizable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.Duplicable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.DuplicableProcessor

    public class RangeCep
    extends ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor
    Creates complex events out of a range of simple events. The processor is parameterized by the following elements:
    • A processor πR outputting a stream of Boolean values, called the range processor. This processor signals the range of contiguous events of the input stream that should be taken into account in the construction of the complex event. Its expected behavior is to continually return ⊥ until the first event of the range is observed, then to output ⊤ for each event to be included in the range, and then to resume returning ⊥ forever once the range is over.
    • An array of processors π1, … πn called the data processors. Each of these processors is fed the range of events identified by πR, and only those events. The calculation done by the data processors is arbitrary.
    • A function f called the complex event function. This function must be of arity n:1; it is called exactly once when the end of the range is reached. Its input arguments are the last event produced by each of the πi on the event range; its output is the complex event created out of those values.
    In addition, the processor may optionally allow restarts (using allowRestarts(boolean)). In this case, when a complex event is produced, πR and all of the πi are reset to their initial state, which makes it possible for a new complex event to be produced with the events received from this point on.
    Sylvain Hallé
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      protected static class  RangeCep.State
      The current state of the range, which is updated upon receiving each input event.
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor

        ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor.InputPushable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor.OutputPullable
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected boolean m_allowRestarts
      A flag that determines if more than one complex event can be produced (default: false).
      protected ca.uqac.lif.cep.functions.Function m_complexEventFunction
      The function that is called when the end of the range is reached, and which is used to create the complex output event.
      protected boolean m_contiguous
      A flag that determines if the false event that marks the end of a range should count as the first event of a new range (i.e.
      protected RangeCep.State m_currentState
      The current state of the range.
      protected ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit[] m_dataProcessors
      An array of push units that evaluate the data processors.
      protected boolean m_includesLast
      A flag that determines if the event that determines the end boundary of the range should be included (i.e.
      protected ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit m_range
      A push unit that evaluates the range processor.
      • Fields inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor

        m_inputPushables, m_outputPullables, m_tempQueue
      • Fields inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor

        m_context, m_eventTracker, m_hasBeenNotifiedOfEndOfTrace, m_inputArity, m_inputCount, m_inputPullables, m_inputQueues, m_notifiedEndOfTraceDownstream, m_outputArity, m_outputCount, m_outputPushables, m_outputQueues, MAX_PULL_RETRIES, s_versionString
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
        RangeCep​(ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor range_processor, ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor[] data_processors, ca.uqac.lif.cep.functions.Function ce_function)
      Creates a new range complex event processor.
      protected RangeCep​(ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit range, ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit[] data, ca.uqac.lif.cep.functions.Function ce_function)
      Creates a new range complex event processor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      RangeCep allowRestarts​(boolean b)
      Sets whether the processor is allowed to produce multiple successive complex events.
      protected boolean compute​(java.lang.Object[] inputs, java.util.Queue<java.lang.Object[]> outputs)  
      RangeCep duplicate​(boolean with_state)  
      RangeCep includesLast​(boolean b)
      Sets whether the event that determines the end boundary of the range should be included (i.e.
      RangeCep isContiguous​(boolean b)
      Sets whether the false event that marks the end of a range should count as the first event of a new range (i.e.
      protected java.lang.Object produceComplexEvent()
      Produces the complex output event out of the last event output by each data processor.
      protected void pushFront​(java.lang.Object[] inputs)
      Pushes an event front to all data processors.
      void reset()  
      • Methods inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor

        getPullableOutput, getPushableInput, setEventTracker
      • Methods inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor

        allNotifiedEndOfTrace, allNull, associateTo, associateToInput, associateToOutput, copyInputQueue, copyOutputQueue, duplicate, duplicateInto, equals, getAt, getContext, getContext, getEmptyQueue, getEventTracker, getId, getInputArity, getInputCount, getInputQueue, getInputType, getInputTypesFor, getLeaves, getLeaves, getOutputArity, getOutputCount, getOutputQueue, getOutputType, getPullableInput, getPullableOutput, getPushableInput, getPushableOutput, hashCode, leftShift, newContext, onEndOfTrace, or, or, print, printState, read, readState, rightShift, setContext, setContext, setPullableInput, setPushableOutput, start, startAll, stop, stopAll
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • m_currentState

        protected RangeCep.State m_currentState
        The current state of the range.
      • m_range

        protected final ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit m_range
        A push unit that evaluates the range processor.
      • m_dataProcessors

        protected final ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit[] m_dataProcessors
        An array of push units that evaluate the data processors.
      • m_complexEventFunction

        protected final ca.uqac.lif.cep.functions.Function m_complexEventFunction
        The function that is called when the end of the range is reached, and which is used to create the complex output event.
      • m_allowRestarts

        protected boolean m_allowRestarts
        A flag that determines if more than one complex event can be produced (default: false).
      • m_includesLast

        protected boolean m_includesLast
        A flag that determines if the event that determines the end boundary of the range should be included (i.e. pushed) a part of the complex event (default: false).
      • m_contiguous

        protected boolean m_contiguous
        A flag that determines if the false event that marks the end of a range should count as the first event of a new range (i.e. complex events are contiguous).
    • Constructor Detail

      • RangeCep

        public RangeCep​(ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor range_processor,
                        ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor[] data_processors,
                        ca.uqac.lif.cep.functions.Function ce_function)
        Creates a new range complex event processor.
        range_processor - The processor used to determine the range of events to include in the complex event
        data_processors - An array of processors evaluated on the range of events
        ce_function - The function used to create the complex output event out of the values produced by each data processor
      • RangeCep

        protected RangeCep​(ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit range,
                           ca.uqac.lif.cep.tmf.PushUnit[] data,
                           ca.uqac.lif.cep.functions.Function ce_function)
        Creates a new range complex event processor. This constructor is only called internally by duplicate(boolean).
        range - A push unit that evaluates the range processor
        data - An array of push units that evaluate the data processors
        ce_function - The function used to create the complex output event out of the values produced by each data processor
    • Method Detail

      • allowRestarts

        public RangeCep allowRestarts​(boolean b)
        Sets whether the processor is allowed to produce multiple successive complex events.
        b - Set to true to allow restarts, false otherwise
        This processor
      • includesLast

        public RangeCep includesLast​(boolean b)
        Sets whether the event that determines the end boundary of the range should be included (i.e. pushed) a part of the complex event.
        b - Set to true to include this last event, false otherwise
        This processor
      • isContiguous

        public RangeCep isContiguous​(boolean b)
        Sets whether the false event that marks the end of a range should count as the first event of a new range (i.e. complex events are contiguous).
        b - Set to true to make complex events contiguous, false otherwise
        This processor
      • compute

        protected boolean compute​(java.lang.Object[] inputs,
                                  java.util.Queue<java.lang.Object[]> outputs)
        Specified by:
        compute in class ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor
      • pushFront

        protected void pushFront​(java.lang.Object[] inputs)
        Pushes an event front to all data processors.
        inputs - The event front
      • produceComplexEvent

        protected java.lang.Object produceComplexEvent()
        Produces the complex output event out of the last event output by each data processor. This is done by fetching all these events in an array and then calling the complex event function.
        The complex output event
      • reset

        public void reset()
        reset in class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor
      • duplicate

        public RangeCep duplicate​(boolean with_state)
        Specified by:
        duplicate in interface ca.uqac.lif.cep.Duplicable
        Specified by:
        duplicate in class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor