Class UpdateTableStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ca.uqac.lif.azrael.Printable, ca.uqac.lif.azrael.Readable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.Contextualizable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.Duplicable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.DuplicableProcessor

    public class UpdateTableStream
    extends UpdateTable
    Adds contents to a table from multiple streams. A new line in the table is added for every event front received by the processor.
    Sylvain Hallé
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.UniformProcessor

        ca.uqac.lif.cep.UniformProcessor.UnaryPullable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.UniformProcessor.UnaryPushable
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor

        ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor.InputPushable, ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor.OutputPullable
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.UniformProcessor

      • Fields inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor

        m_inputPushables, m_outputPullables, m_tempQueue
      • Fields inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor

        m_context, m_eventTracker, m_hasBeenNotifiedOfEndOfTrace, m_inputArity, m_inputCount, m_inputPullables, m_inputQueues, m_notifiedEndOfTraceDownstream, m_outputArity, m_outputCount, m_outputPushables, m_outputQueues, MAX_PULL_RETRIES, s_versionString
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      UpdateTableStream​(ca.uqac.lif.mtnp.table.HardTable t, java.lang.String... column_names)
      Creates a new instance of the processor.
      UpdateTableStream​(java.lang.String... column_names)
      Creates a new instance of the processor.
      UpdateTableStream​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> column_names)
      Creates a new instance of the processor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected boolean compute​(java.lang.Object[] inputs, java.lang.Object[] outputs)  
      UpdateTableStream duplicate​(boolean with_state)  
      • Methods inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.UniformProcessor

        compute, getPullableOutput, getPushableInput, onEndOfTrace, onEndOfTrace
      • Methods inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor

      • Methods inherited from class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor

        allNotifiedEndOfTrace, allNull, associateTo, associateToInput, associateToOutput, copyInputQueue, copyOutputQueue, duplicate, duplicateInto, equals, getAt, getContext, getContext, getEmptyQueue, getEventTracker, getId, getInputArity, getInputCount, getInputQueue, getInputType, getInputTypesFor, getLeaves, getLeaves, getOutputArity, getOutputCount, getOutputQueue, getOutputType, getPullableInput, getPullableOutput, getPushableInput, getPushableOutput, hashCode, leftShift, newContext, or, or, print, printState, read, readState, rightShift, setContext, setContext, setPullableInput, setPushableOutput, start, startAll, stop, stopAll
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateTableStream

        public UpdateTableStream​(java.lang.String... column_names)
        Creates a new instance of the processor.
        column_names - The names of the columns of the table to update. Each input stream will correspond to the value of an attribute at the corresponding position.
      • UpdateTableStream

        public UpdateTableStream​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> column_names)
        Creates a new instance of the processor.
        column_names - The names of the columns of the table to update. Each input stream will correspond to the value of an attribute at the corresponding position.
      • UpdateTableStream

        public UpdateTableStream​(ca.uqac.lif.mtnp.table.HardTable t,
                                 java.lang.String... column_names)
        Creates a new instance of the processor.
        t - The table where entries will be added from incoming events
        column_names - The names of the columns of the table to update. Each input stream will correspond to the value of an attribute at the corresponding position.
    • Method Detail

      • compute

        protected boolean compute​(java.lang.Object[] inputs,
                                  java.lang.Object[] outputs)
                           throws ca.uqac.lif.cep.ProcessorException
        Specified by:
        compute in class ca.uqac.lif.cep.UniformProcessor
      • duplicate

        public UpdateTableStream duplicate​(boolean with_state)
        Specified by:
        duplicate in interface ca.uqac.lif.cep.Duplicable
        Specified by:
        duplicate in class ca.uqac.lif.cep.Processor