All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
ApacheLogFeeder |
Converts a stream of lines from an Apache log into a stream of
HTTP request objects
AppendToTuple |
AttributeExpression |
Association between an expression to compute a value from an
AttributeGroup and an attribute name.
AttributeGroup |
A group of attributes taken from the merging of one or more tuples.
BeepBeepConnection |
BeepBeepDriver |
BeepBeepPreparedStatement |
BeepBeepResultSet |
BeepBeepStatement |
Blow |
Breaks a single tuple into multiple tuples, one for each key-value
pair of the original tuple.
CacheMap<T> |
Implementation of an immutable map.
CommandRunner |
Facilitates the execution of an external command and the collection of
its output
Derivation |
DeserializeEvents<T,U> |
Function that applies a deserializer to its input argument.
DiagnosticsCallback |
Empty class representing a callback for a diagnostics function
DotProvenanceTreeRenderer |
Renders a provenance node into a picture
DrawPlot |
Generates a bitmap from a Table
EventFunction |
Node function that relates to an event at a specific position,
in a specific stream of a specific processor.
EventFunction.InputValue |
EventFunction.OutputValue |
Exists |
Function that acts as a first-order existential quantifier.
ExistsInterpretation |
ExpandAsColumns |
Transforms a tuple by replacing two key-value pairs by a single
new key-value pair.
FetchAttribute |
Gets the value of an attribute in a Tuple
FileHibernate |
A Hibernate processor that saves its internal processor into
a local file.
FirstOrderQuantifier |
FixedTupleBuilder |
Utility class to create instances of tuples with a fixed
ForAll |
Function that acts as a first-order universal quantifier.
ForAllInterpretation |
From |
Creates an TupleExpression from a set of input tuples and an
array of names.
FromFunction |
The internal function performing the actual work for the
From processor.
FunctionTransition |
Transition for a Moore Machine where the guard is a function
returning a boolean , and the context modification
is a list of ContextAssignment s.
GetAttribute |
GetDomain |
Function taking an interpretation as its input, and returning the
set of values associated with some domain as its output.
GetWidgetValue |
GrammarObjectBuilder<T> |
GroupProcessorBuilder |
Hibernate |
Stores an internal processor using an object fridge.
HttpDownstreamGateway |
Outputs character strings received over the network from an upstream
HttpGateway |
Utility methods for handling HTTP requests.
HttpRequest |
Representation of an HTTP request, as logged by an Apache server
HttpRequest.GetParameter |
Function to get the path of an HTTP request
HttpRequest.GetPath |
Function to get the path of an HTTP request
HttpRequest.GetTimestamp |
Function to get the timestamp of an HTTP request
HttpRequest.Method |
The HTTP method used in the request
HttpRequest.RequestIsAfter |
Function to compare the request's time with another time
HttpSource |
HTTP server that pulls events from upstream when it receives a GET request.
HttpUpstreamGateway |
Sends character strings over the network through HTTP requests.
IndexEventTracker |
Tracks the relationship between output events produced by processors, and
the input events that were used to compute them.
IndexEventTracker.ProcessorConnection |
Interpretation |
A context in which predicates can be evaluated.
InterpretationBuilder |
Interpreter |
Generic object that can be used to parse string "queries" and
return an iterable result
Interpreter.ParseException |
An exception thrown if the query
cannot be parsed by the interpreter
JdbcSource |
Converts a query to a database into a trace of named tuples.
JoinSet |
Merges all tuples in a set with the same value for a given attribute.
JPathFunction |
Function that evaluates a JPath expression on a JsonElement
JsonDeserialize<U> |
Function that deserializes a JSON element into an object
JsonDeserializeString<U> |
Function that deserializes a JSON string into an object
JsonLineFeeder |
A source of JSON events taking its data from a JSON file.
JsonSerialize |
Function that serializes its input into a JSON element
JsonSerializeString |
Function that serializes its input into a JSON string
LazyBooleanFunction |
LazyBooleanFunction.And |
LazyBooleanFunction.DummyInterpretationFunction |
LazyBooleanFunction.Implies |
LazyBooleanFunction.Or |
Limit |
Outputs at most one non-zero event in an interval of width n.
ListenerSource |
A Source processor that can be added
as an ActionListener to an AWT or
Swing widget.
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
Main |
Dummy main file
MapToTuple |
Converts a Map object into a Tuple
MergeScalars |
Creates a named tuple out of multiple input traces, each containing scalar
MergeTuples |
Merges the key-value pairs of multiple tuples into a single tuple.
MooreMachine |
A finite-state automaton with output symbols associated to its states.
MooreMachine.Transition |
Represents a transition in the Moore machine
MouseCoordinates |
MultilineGroupProcessorBuilder |
NamedMapPlaceholder |
Noise |
NumberValue |
Extracts a number value from a JSON element.
ParseCommonLog |
ParseJson |
Function that converts a string into a JSON element
ParseXml |
Function that converts a string into an XML element
PassthroughCounter |
A Passthrough processor that keeps
the count of events that went through it.
PeakFinderLocalMaximum |
PeakFinderTravelRise |
Finds peaks in a sequence of numerical values using the "travel-rise"
Persist |
Persists a locally maximal value for a certain amount of time.
PlateauFinder |
Finds a plateau in a data stream.
Predicate |
Predicate.PredicateArgument |
Predicate.Wildcard |
Special constant that can be used when evaluating a predicate to
indicate a "don't care" value
PredicateAssertion |
An assertion on the value of a predicate, to be evaluated on an
Interpretation .
PredicateGet |
Extracts the value at a specific position in the predicate tuple.
PredicateGetNumber |
Extracts the value at a specific position in the predicate tuple,
and converts it into a number
PredicateTuple |
An assertion defining the truth value of a predicate
for a concrete list of arguments.
PredicateTupleConversion |
Unary function converting an object into a predicate tuple
PredicateTupleReader |
Processor receiving objects as input and outputting
predicate tuples as its output
PrintGnuPlot |
Generates a GnuPlot file drawing a plot from a
Table object.
PrintThrough |
A Passthrough processor that prints every event it receives to the
standard output.
ProcessorTransition |
Represents a transition in the Moore machine.
ProjectTuple |
Creates an output tuple from input tuples by combining their values.
ProjectTuple.NameFunctionPair |
Associates a tuple's key to a function to be evaluated on input tuples
ProvenanceTree |
QuantifierInterpretation |
RangeCep |
Creates complex events out of a range of simple events.
RangeCep.State |
The current state of the range, which is updated upon receiving each
input event.
RegexTupleBuilder |
Builds a tuple out of parts of text.
RegexTupleBuilder.RegexAttributeNameList |
ScalarIntoTuple |
Turns a scalar object into a singleton tuple.
Select |
Select.SelectFunction |
The internal function performing the actual work for the
From processor.
SerializeEvents<T> |
Function that applies a serializer to its input argument.
Smooth |
Smooth.ArrayAverage |
Computes the average of values in an array
SpliceJsonStreamSource |
A splice source that reads a JSONStream document and produces a stream of
JSON elements.
SpliceTupleSource |
A splice source that generates a stream of tuples.
StringValue |
Extracts a number value from a JSON element.
TestFrame |
Threshold |
ThroughputMeter |
Timer |
Timer that pushes the contents of m_packedEvents every
m_outputInterval milliseconds.
ToImageIcon |
TransitionOtherwise |
Represents the "otherwise" transition in the Moore machine
TransposePair |
Creates two Applies a triple substitution to a singleton tuple.
Tuple |
A (named) tuple is a map between attribute names (character strings) and
attribute values (any kind of Object).
Tuple.MapEntry<K,V> |
Simple implementation of the Map interface
TupleComparator |
Compares two tuples according to the values of one or many of their
TupleFeeder |
Creates a feed of events from CRLF-separated string chunks.
TupleFixed |
Implementation of a named tuple.
TupleMap |
Implementation of a named tuple based on the Map class.
UpdateTable |
Adds contents to a table based on incoming events.
UpdateTableArray |
Adds contents to a table from a stream of arrays.
UpdateTableMap |
Adds contents to a table by receiving a stream of Map objects, each
corresponding to a tuple of key-value pairs to add to the table.
UpdateTableStream |
Adds contents to a table from multiple streams.
WebSocketReader |
Reads chunks of data from a websocket.
Where |
Filters a trace of AttributeGroup objects according to a
Boolean function
WidgetSink |
WindowConsole |
Prints whatever is given to it in a text window.
WindowProcessor |
XPathFunction |
Function that converts a string into an XML element
XPathFunctionGet<T> |
Utility function to evaluate an XPath expression, ending with
a text() element
XPathFunctionGetNumber |
Utility function to evaluate an XPath expression, ending with
a text() element
XPathFunctionGetText |
Utility function to evaluate an XPath expression, ending with
a text() element